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QL-EVE-DC-004 event-specific
Qualitative PCR method for detection of carnation event 26407 (verified by the EURL GMFF in the context of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/694) (EURL GMFF GMOMETHODS database as of June 1, 2016) in-house validation EU reference method
QL-EVE-DC-005 event-specific
Qualitative PCR method for detection of carnation event 27531 (verified by the EURL GMFF in the context of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2050) (EURL GMFF GMOMETHODS database as of December 1, 2016) in-house validation EU reference method
QL-ELE-00-006 element-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of nopaline synthase terminator (Official Collection of Methods according to § 64 LFGB, L 00.00-31) ring trial validation national standard
QL-ELE-cat-F1/R1 element-specific
V-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase
Qualitative conventional PCR for detection of the full-length Chloramphenicol marker gene that is frequently harboured by GMM in food enzyme preparations (Fraiture et al. 2020).

In detail, the potential presence of the chloramphenicol marker is first screened using a real-time PCR method (Turgeon, Laflamme, Ho, & Duchaine, 2008)(see Related Methods QL-ELE-cat-F/R). In case a positive real-time PCR signal is obtained, the presence of the full-length chloramphenicol marker is then evaluated by a nested-PCR consisting of this method and the related method QL-ELE-cat-F2/R2.

unknown none
QL-BAC-27f/926R taxon-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR for the amplification of the 16S RNA gene from bacteria.

This method is meant to enable species identification or assignment of bacterial nucleotide sequence to a taxonomical group of bacteria since the target sequence includes variable and highly variable sequences that might serve as signature sequences. Therefore the herein described PCR method should be performed and followed by sequence analysis of the amplified PCR product (Official Collection of Methods according to § 28b GenTG, G 21.40-1).

ring trial validation national standard
QL-BAC-16S-FW/16S-Rev taxon-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR for the amplification of the 16S RNA gene from eubacteria and archaebacteria.

This method is meant to enable species identification or assignment of bacterial nucleotide sequence to a taxonomical group of eubacteria and archaebacteria since the target sequence includes variable and highly variable sequences that might serve as signature sequences. Therefore the herein described PCR method should be performed and followed by sequence analysis of the amplified PCR product. (Official Collection of Methods according to § 28b GenTG, G 21.40-1).

ring trial validation national standard
QL-ELE-00-005 element-specific
P-Cauliflower mosaic virus
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (ISO/FDIS 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-ELE-00-004 element-specific
P-Cauliflower mosaic virus
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (Lipp et al., 2001) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-ELE-00-001 element-specific
P-Cauliflower mosaic virus
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (Official Collection of Methods according to § 64 LFGB, L 00.00-31) ring trial validation national standard
QL-ELE-00-010 element-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of Figwort mosaic virus 34S promoter (Pan et al., 2007) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-TAX-DC-001 taxon-specific
Dianthus caryophyllus
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of carnation anthocyanidin synthase (EURL GMFF GMOMETHODS database as of June 1, 2016). in-house validation EU reference method
QL-EVE-DC-006 event-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of carnation event 123.8.8 (EURL GMFF GMOMETHODS database as of December 15, 2017). in-house validation EU reference method
QL-PLN-00-007 taxon-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of chloroplast tRNA-Leu intron (ISO/FDIS 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-CON-35S-5' primer A/A1-3' primer B construct-specific
A1-DFR Petunias, RL01-15, RL01-17
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of junction between the 35S promoter (P-35S CaMV) and the maize A1 gene (dihydroflavonol-4-reductase) of Zea mays (Meyer et al., 1993) unknown none
QL-EVE-ZM-002 event-specific
Bt10 maize
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of maize event Bt10 (verified by the EU-RL GMFF in the context of Commission Decision 317/2005/EC) in-house validation none
QL-CON-00-003 construct-specific
Bt10 maize, Bt11
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of maize event Bt11 (ISO 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-CON-00-004 construct-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of maize event Bt176 (ISO 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-CON-00-005 construct-specific
32316, 40416, 4114, 43A47, 676, 678, 680, A2704-12, A2704-21, A5547-127, A5547-35, DAS1507, DAS59122, DAS59132, DBN9004, DP62151, DP910521, Falcon GS 40/90, GU262, HCN10, HCR-1, Liberator, T120-7, T14, T25, T45, Topas 19/2
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of maize event T25 (ISO 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-ELE-00-002 element-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (ISO 21569) ring trial validation ISO standard
QL-ELE-00-007 element-specific
Qualitative conventional PCR method for detection of nopaline synthase terminator (EU-Project SMT4-CT96-2072:1998) ring trial validation national standard
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